
Amelia Movies & Scenes

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Amelia is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Amelia here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Amelia, also known as Amelia (L) and Amelia (L), is a breathtaking Latina adult film star with mesmerizing black hair. With her natural, voluptuous body and sultry appeal, she captures the attention of fans in every scene. Standing out due to her lack of makeup and enhancement, Amelia proudly showcases her authentic, stunning features that make her stand apart from the rest. Her entrancing eyes coupled with her captivating persona leave audiences yearning to witness more of this sensational performer.

Amelia Movies

We have 108 porn movies starring Amelia in our database

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Amelia Scenes

We have 11 porn scenes starring Amelia in our database

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Amelia Information

Aliases: Amelia (L), Amelia (L)

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Latin

Date of Birth:

Tattoos: Left Shoulder/Upper Arm/Elbow; Hummingbird with Heart on Left Breast; Right Foot; Back; Right Upper Arm; Outside Left Lower Leg

Hair color: Black

Eye color:

Height: No data

Weight: No data

Measurements: No data

Natural boobs: Yes

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