Tabitha Stevens

Tabitha Stevens Movies & Scenes

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Tabitha Stevens is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Tabitha Stevens here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Tabitha Stevens is a celebrated and seductive Czech adult film star born on February 16th, 1970. With a striking appearance featuring blue eyes and brunette hair, she has captured the hearts of fans around the world. Measuring at 165 cm tall with a slender frame weighing 48 kg, her proportions are enviable – 34D-23-32, enhanced by implants to achieve her voluptuous 34D bust size. Throughout her career, she has entertained viewers under aliases such as 'Tabatha Stevens' and 'Tabitha Stevens (i)', continuing to mesmerize audiences in every captivating scene.

Tabitha Stevens Movies

We have 893 porn movies starring Tabitha Stevens in our database

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2023 | DBM | Runtime: Unknown

Tabitha Stevens Scenes

We have 398 porn scenes starring Tabitha Stevens in our database

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Tabitha Stevens Information

Aliases: Tabatha Stevens, Tabitha Stevens (i)

Country: Czech Republic

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1970-02-16

Tattoos: Left arm; left wrist; right shoulder; both ring fingers; both ankles; right foot

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Blue

Height: 165cm (5ft 5in)

Weight: 48kg (106lb)

Measurements: 34D-23-32

Natural boobs: No

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