Ada Sanchez

Ada Sanchez

Ada Sanchez is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Ada Sanchez here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Ada Sanchez, born on December 28th, 1994, is a striking Latina adult film actress known for her sensual performances and impressive curves. Standing at 4'11" with a petite frame weighing in at 110lbs, Ada defies the typical expectations for an adult entertainer, making her stand out in the industry. With naturally endowed 36F breasts, complemented by a trim waistline and well-defined hips measuring 24-36 inches respectively, she presents an exquisitely balanced figure that draws attention both on and off screen. Boasting sleek black hair and captivating brown eyes, Ada has successfully built a following by embracing her distinct appearance while showcasing her immense talent as a performer.

Ada Sanchez Movies

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Ada Sanchez Scenes

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Ada Sanchez Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Latin

Date of Birth: 1994-12-28


Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Height: 149cm (4ft 11in)

Weight: 50kg (110lb)

Measurements: 36F-24-36

Natural boobs: Yes

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