Celina Santiago

Celina Santiago

Celina Santiago is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Celina Santiago here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Celina Santiago is an enthralling and popular Latina adult film actress known for her captivating performances. Standing at just 5 feet 3 inches tall, she boasts a slender frame of only 112 pounds. Her luscious brown hair complements her Latin ethnicity perfectly. With a fit physique showcasing a natural 34B chest, Celina's allure lies in both her magnetic personality and unrivaled on-screen presence that has garnered attention across the industry.

Celina Santiago Movies

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Celina Santiago Scenes

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Celina Santiago Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Latin

Date of Birth:


Hair color: Brown

Eye color:

Height: 160cm (5ft 3in)

Weight: 51kg (112lb)

Measurements: 34B-??-??

Natural boobs: Yes

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