Rita (Mature NL)

Rita (Mature NL)

Rita (Mature NL) is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Rita (Mature NL) here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Rita, widely recognized as Mature NL in her performances, is an established and captivating female adult film star. Known not only for her talent but also for her natural beauty and unique appeal, she has left indelible impressions on the viewers. Born with inherently appealing assets such as her mesmerizing eyes and alluring natural breasts, Rita captures the audience's attention without fail every time she appears on screen. With years of experience behind her, she exudes confidence and finesse that sets her apart from others in the industry. Her maturity perfectly complements her sexual prowess, making each performance distinctive and memorable.

Rita (Mature NL) Movies

We have 6 movies starring Rita (Mature NL) in our database

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Rita (Mature NL) Scenes

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Rita (Mature NL) Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth:


Hair color: No data

Eye color: No data

Height: No data

Weight: No data


Natural boobs: Yes

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