Valentine Chevalier

Valentine Chevalier

Valentine Chevalier is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Valentine Chevalier here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Valentine Chevalier, born June 2nd, 1980, is a captivating and fiery female adult film star with an impressive natural bust size of 33E-inch. Standing at an elegant height of 165 cm (approximately 5 feet 5 inches), this lively performer boasts a slim figure highlighted by her 51 kg (about 112 lb) weight. Furthermore, Valentine's mesmerizing physique features lustrous brown hair that cascades to her shoulders, complementing the striking balance of her measurements (25-inch waist and 32-inch hips). This delightful combination makes Valentine Chevalier not only an eye-catching but also highly desired presence in the world of adult entertainment.

Valentine Chevalier Movies

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Valentine Chevalier Scenes

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Valentine Chevalier Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1980-06-02


Hair color: Brown

Eye color:

Height: 165cm (5ft 5in)

Weight: 51kg (112lb)

Measurements: 33E-25-32

Natural boobs: Yes

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