Erika Xstacy

Erika Xstacy

Erika Xstacy is an adult pornographic actress. Watch adult movies starring Erika Xstacy here on VOD or purchase DVD.

Erika Xstacy is a striking female adult film star born on January 23rd, 1977. At a height of 152 centimeters and weight of 73 kilograms, her captivating physique has earned the nicknames she goes by, which include other aliases within the industry. Known for her sultry brown hair and piercing blue eyes, this vibrant performer brings energy to every scene she stars in with measurements of 43E-38-50. Notably, Erika showcases her natural beauty, possessing noteworthy breast size complemented by her passionate performances that have garnered attention from fans worldwide.

Erika Xstacy Movies

We have 17 movies starring Erika Xstacy in our database

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Erika Xstacy Scenes

We have 16 scenes starring Erika Xstacy in our database

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Erika Xstacy Information

Country: Unknown country

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1977-01-23

Tattoos: 4 tattoo sleeves collar bone and back tattoos

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue

Height: 152cm (4ft 12in)

Weight: 73kg (161lb)

Measurements: 43E-38-50

Natural boobs: Yes

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